In my experience when we look to external sources to solve internal problems, we tend to give up are power in more then one aspect of our lives. the reason we get physically sick is because emotionally we're not well. When you give up your verbal expression of your sickness (augments, anger, judgment) with out exploring and releasing the trauma stored in the mussels and major organs. the under lining trauma causing the emotional dispute will make its self known in a physical manner, thus causing things like ADD, Cancer, candida overgrowth and back pain. as an example if one is suffering a problem dealing with there ovaries in most cases them or their mother have experienced some strong sexual trauma. A person dealing with liver problems is in most cases an angry person. The "traditional" form of heath care is all based on symptom relief, which is good at helping us forget.
See what is being pulled behind a vail made of fear, and know its your choose to be fearful. We our in a time where the media controls how we act and what we wear all base on fear. what else are we controlling with this? it couldn't be the heath care system could it?
You diet is really important. The foods you eat need to have electrically available nutrition. You Need your Meats! We only have a 3 hour stomach which means we can not brake down cell wall and only absorb 1% of the minerals and vitamins from veggies. make sure the animals are raised well, hormones that are added can lead to infertility male/female, and shock our children into puberty early which. Probiotics are also import for our gut to digest food these are mico-organisms that in the 1950s we're mostly killed off due to radiation. you can get them here: I'll go into more tomorrow just got back from playing a show and I am really tired:)
You diet is really important. The foods you eat need to have electrically available nutrition. You Need your Meats! We only have a 3 hour stomach which means we can not brake down cell wall and only absorb 1% of the minerals and vitamins from veggies. make sure the animals are raised well, hormones that are added can lead to infertility male/female, and shock our children into puberty early which. Probiotics are also import for our gut to digest food these are mico-organisms that in the 1950s we're mostly killed off due to radiation. you can get them here: I'll go into more tomorrow just got back from playing a show and I am really tired:)
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